Food at a wedding in Italy (part 1)
What do you personally associate with a wedding? White dress, nerves, rings, toastmaster, photographer, guests, Banquet, competitions. What if we added the word" Italian "to"wedding"? Will something change? I am…

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Picnic is a wonderful opportunity to have a good time in the fresh air. It is worth remembering that the organization of a picnic requires careful consideration of the menu.…

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Wedding menu: to make guests leave happy
Wedding planning is a bunch of pleasant worries. One of the most important and first steps to be taken during the preparation — the choice of a restaurant that will…

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form of rolls


Of course, you can go to a restaurant on such a day, but will it not be more interesting to please your soul mate with an exquisite candlelight dinner? Perhaps it will seem to you more interesting pastime than a trip to the most expensive institution in the city.

Valentine’s day is a romantic and tender holiday when we open our hearts to our loved ones. That is why, thinking through the menu for Valentine’s day, you have to cook something special. Of course, a good option will be your favorite proven dishes, but sometimes you can please your soul mate with something special.

Delicious, light salads, originally baked meat or fish-that’s not the whole list of possible menu options for Valentine’s day. You can also opt for delicious desserts, light drinks or snacks – on such a day you can do anything. Continue reading


Snacks on the holiday table-a must. And on new year’s eve they should be quite a lot, because the fun, movement, games — all this happens, in most cases, not at the table. Therefore, it is so convenient to come to the table and taking a snack, eat.
Depending on the planned format of the holiday, you can make your new year’s table as a full buffet (only snacks), and traditional, supplementing the main dishes with snacks.

Today we will tell and show you what original snacks can be prepared for the Christmas table.

Cheese, meat or vegetable slicing is always present on the holiday table. You can put it in the form of a wreath, garnish with herbs and rosemary sprigs. Continue reading

Want to have a party or holiday, but do not want to stand all day at the stove? Then a great way out for you will be the course-dog bar…


Coffee lemonade with berry sauce
Ingredients ground coffee-20 g   water   — 200 ml lemon   ice   black currant orange   — 1 PC. sugar cane-100 g NUMBER OF INGREDIENTS 7 ingredients COOKING TIME   15 minutes Method of…


Decided to have a pirate party, but do not know what to put on the table? Our article will tell you interesting solutions for treating guests. If your guests are…
