Here you will find original recipes of sandwiches that you can make not only for a picnic, but also for Breakfast :). The use of delicious and healthy products, as well as the ease of preparation will make these recipes your favorite:).
Sandwiches for a picnic-this is the right dish. Sandwiches can be a snack during a game of football, after team competitions or replace them with snacks.
Our sandwiches for a picnic, the recipes of which in the majority do not contain the exact amount of necessary products — it is a traditional food that is liked not only by adults but also by children! Vary this figure depending on how many people will be present at the picnic.
sandwiches for picnic Continue reading
Food for parties (part 1)
In English, this genre is called finger food-food that is not eaten from plates with knives, forks and other devices, but simply with your hands. Without letting go of their glass of wine and without being distracted from small talk. Arusya Ghukasyan, who can cook for thirty or forty people in three hours, showed in the editorial kitchen of Afisha–Food magazine how much more inventive tiny portions can be than just a tartlet.
Mozzarella with anchovies
Mini mozzarella cheese 5 pieces Continue reading