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House party: 5 quick recipes and healthy snacks

The DAYS ARE getting LONGER and the EVENINGS are getting WARMER, and you want the fun to last forever. Arranging gatherings on the balcony or a sortie out of town, a romantic evening or a noisy party, do not deny yourself delicious food, but spend a lot of time on its preparation does not always want to. We thought about what snacks will quickly satisfy the appetite and not hit the health, and chose a few recipes harmless and delicious snacks. If you take care of the preparation of ingredients in advance, the preparation of any snack will take no more than 20-30 minutes. All recipes are designed for 4 servings.

Nachos chips with guacamole and salsa
Try to cook the famous Mexican chips are not deep-fried with lots of oil, and in the oven. You can knead corn dough and make tortillas for chips from scratch, but it will take a lot of time, and no fun will not remain forces. For a quick snack, we recommend buying tortillas in the store.


For chips:

Corn tortillas-8 PCs., cut into small triangles

Olive oil — 1 tbsp.

Lime – ½ PC.

Ground cumin — ½ tsp.

Ground chili pepper — ½ tsp.


For salsa:

Tomatoes-250 g

Cherry tomatoes-50 g

Green chili pepper-50 g

Jalapeno pepper — ⅓ EA.

Onion — ⅓ pieces, cut into cubes

Garlic – ½ clove

Lime – ¼ PCs., squeeze

Ground black pepper – ⅓ tsp.

Coriander — ½ tsp.

Sugar — ½ tsp.

For guacamole:

Avocado – 3 PCs., clean, remove the bone

Lime – 1 PC., squeeze

Jalapeno chillies – ½ PC., clear of seeds, grind

Tomato – 1 PC., clear of seeds, cut into small cubes

Onions – ½ piece, finely chopped

Garlic – 1 clove, grind

Cilantro ⅓ tsp.

Ground cumin – ⅓ tsp.

Cayenne pepper — ⅓ tsp.



Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Place the tortilla pieces on a baking sheet. Mix the olive oil and lime juice, drizzle the mixture over the chips and season with spices. Bake for about 7 minutes, then turn the pan over, place the near edge deep into the oven and bake for another 8 minutes until the chips are crispy.

Prepare the guacamole. Mash the avocado, pour in the lemon juice and season with salt. Then add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.

Prepare tomatoes for salsa: cut in half, salt, season with black pepper and coriander. Brown the tomatoes in the oven for 15 minutes at 250 degrees. Fry the chili and garlic in a dry pan for about 10 minutes, then peel them. All ingredients mix in a blender.

Rolls in a flour tortilla
with different fillings
Rolls can be made from wheat tortilla or thin pita bread-technically it is the same tortilla. Prepare snacks for different tastes, such as Turkey and salmon. The fish you can pickle yourself, or buy ready-made, and roll a Turkey will approach the remains of a roasted poultry or ham, the Turkey, if you are without prejudice, treat sausages.



For Turkey and avocado rolls:

Thin wheat cakes – 4 PCs.

Turkey (baked or ham) – 200 g, cut into thin slices

Cheddar cheese-100 g, grate on a fine grater

Avocado – 1 PC., peel, remove the bone

Green salad

Dried Basil — 1 tsp.
For salmon and goat cheese rolls:

Thin wheat cakes – 4 PCs.

Lightly salted salmon-200 g, cut into thin slices

Soft goat cheese (e.g. Coeur de Chevre) – 100 g

Capers-2 tbsp., rinse with water



Brown the tortillas in a pan over medium heat, then wrap the filling in them and cut the rolls into several pieces.

Hummus with roasted peppers
Spicy hummus with a sweet taste of pepper is good as a dip and, if necessary, will pass for a full meal. Serve with crispy carrot and celery sticks, chopped herbs and pita bread.



For hummus:

Chickpeas-200 g, pre-soak for 10-12 hours

Thina-1 tbsp.

Red sweet pepper-70 g, extract seeds, cut in half

Garlic – ½ clove, ground

Ground cumin — ½ tsp.

Cayenne pepper — ⅓ tsp.

Ground black pepper-1 pinch

Lemon juice-1 tbsp.

For filing:







Bake the peppers: preheat the oven to 250 degrees, place the peppers on a baking sheet, season with salt, pepper and cumin and bake for 20-30 minutes.

Mix all hummus ingredients in a blender. To get a uniform consistency, periodically remove the mixture from the walls of the bowl.

Peel the celery and carrots and cut into thick strips. Chop the greens and serve with the vegetables and pita bread on a separate dish.

Chili chicken with honey in soy sauce
One celery sticks with hummus will not be satisfied, so it does not hurt to stock up on recipes for more thorough snacks. Chicken legs in a spicy-sweet sauce is a healthy and not boring alternative to traditional breaded nuggets.



Chicken or young chicken legs-8 PCs., remove the skin

Honey — 1 tbsp.

Soy sauce-2 tbsp.
Curry — ½ tsp.

Ground chili pepper — ½ tsp.


Mix the honey, soy sauce and spices and marinate the chicken legs for an hour. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the chicken legs on a greased baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes on each side, occasionally sprinkling with marinade.

Cereal cubes with bananas and almonds
Given the fact that the best parties snacks are eaten indiscriminately and washed down with alcohol, banana muesli in the form of cubes will be a more favorable option for dessert than brownies or eclairs. Vegans can safely ignore the egg in the recipe: banana, dates and oatmeal themselves are good to bind all the ingredients, besides, instead of eggs, you can always add a tablespoon of almond flour, a little water and a teaspoon of coconut oil.


Oat flakes-80 g

Dried apricots-70 g, finely chopped

Dried apples-40 g, finely chopped

Dried dates-80 g, finely chopped

Raisins-30 g

Almonds-90 g
Sunflower seeds-50 g

White sesame — 2 tbsp.

Ground cinnamon-1 tsp.

Bananas – 2 PCs., mash in puree

Thina – ½ tbsp.

Egg – 1 PC., lightly beat


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Take a rectangular baking dish (suitable and deep baking sheet), grease it with sunflower oil and cover with parchment for baking. Mix oatmeal, dried apricots, apples, raisins, dates, almonds, seeds, sesame and cinnamon.

In a separate bowl, combine banana, tahini and egg. Combine both mixtures and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into the form and spread evenly. Bake for about 20 minutes. Divide the muesli into equal parts (about 3 x 3 cm) with a sharp knife and allow them to cool, then cut into pieces.

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