cheese and nuts
Here you will find original recipes of sandwiches that you can make not only for a picnic, but also for Breakfast :). The use of delicious and healthy products, as well as the ease of preparation will make these recipes your favorite:).
Sandwiches for a picnic-this is the right dish. Sandwiches can be a snack during a game of football, after team competitions or replace them with snacks.
Our sandwiches for a picnic, the recipes of which in the majority do not contain the exact amount of necessary products — it is a traditional food that is liked not only by adults but also by children! Vary this figure depending on how many people will be present at the picnic.
sandwiches for picnic Continue reading
Looking for a beautiful cake for a calico wedding?
We are confident that our interesting and original ideas will help you make the right order with the cooks of your city 🙂
Note that the cakes on the first wedding anniversary should correspond to the calico theme. That is why, it would be nice if you chose a cake with small flowers, which are made to do on calico materials.
This delicate decoration makes a cake for a calico wedding a great gift!
But mastic with such a “print” is an absolute victory of taste! Gently, beautifully, calico – all as it should be in the cake on the first anniversary :). Continue reading
No time to prepare for a picnic?
Then use our recipes of snacks that will take a minimum of time and will allow you to feed everyone present.
Instead of the classic Greek salad, you can make Greek skewers. They will be convenient to eat in nature and they will not deteriorate quickly in the heat.
Fish appetizer with cottage cheese and herbs will conquer all its original taste and perfectly satisfy your hunger.
Very quickly you can prepare a cheese snack on skewers.She, too, long will persist on the heat.
Greek salad can be served not on skewers, but in baskets of cucumber. Continue reading