Want to make a good menu for Halloween? Then hurry up to take advantage of our tips and ideas! Today we will not only tell you what to feed their…

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How to organize a beer party?
If you are tired of the annual boring gatherings at the table at home or in a restaurant with an indispensable Olivier, herring under a fur coat and champagne, and…

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Baby shower food. Not just cake
When families begin to plan a child's birthday party, a children's party, cake is often one of the first decisions made as to what the holiday will treat children. But…

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What kind of food to order for the party

Everyone at least once in his life threw a party. Noisy groups of friends, fun, games, drinks and food – all this attracts in such events. Here only preparation for an event – often not so much pleasant, how many troublesome process. If drinks can be bought in the store, and they do not need to cook, the food is not so simple.

Buy ready-made food in the store is almost impossible, only if the cold, and the microwave is not in every apartment. And it makes food harmful by releasing ions. Naturally, we must think in the key, where to get fresh, delicious, freshly cooked food. The idea to order it immediately comes to mind. Food delivery services in different cities a lot, do not even have to know any particular company, just enter in the search for food delivery in Odessa. Usually the first in the search gives those sites that are more popular, there you can safely order. For example, Box-catering is a popular delivery service. Continue reading

Caprese snack is becoming more popular in our country. This is not surprising, because it is very easy to prepare, healthy and tasty. By the way, Caprese is just an…


Want to make delicious and scary (in a good way) cookies for Halloween? 🙂 We will tell you how to prepare and decorate your cookies for the scariest party of…


Food at a wedding in Italy (part 1)
What do you personally associate with a wedding? White dress, nerves, rings, toastmaster, photographer, guests, Banquet, competitions. What if we added the word" Italian "to"wedding"? Will something change? I am…
