Picnic is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a special, marching kitchen. That is why, choosing salads for a picnic, consider a few tips: give preference to easy and…

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Many organizers advise not to offer guests too unusual food, it should be simple and tasty. But even a very simple and familiar food can be served so that it…

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Spinach lasagna
Ingredients lasagna sheets-12 PCs.   soft cheese-90 g butter   — 90 g flour   - 2 tbsp.   milk   — 1 l mozzarella cheese   — 75 g cheese   — 200 g frozen spinach-900…

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How to organize a beer party?

If you are tired of the annual boring gatherings at the table at home or in a restaurant with an indispensable Olivier, herring under a fur coat and champagne, and at the same time you consider yourself a great lover and connoisseur of beer, then you just need to arrange a beer party for yourself and friends! You can organize it anywhere, whether it is an appropriate beer restaurant or a cafe with a neutral atmosphere. And you can outdoors, bowling, sauna or at home. All you need is a cheerful company of friends, a good mood, a lot of beer, a sufficient number of beer snacks and our advice. First, consider the menu. From drinks on holiday should attend only beer and soft drinks, otherwise celebration threatens to turn into banal a Bender. The snacks are not limited to croutons, chips and salted fish. To beer perfectly suited many salads, cheeses, various heated snacks, shrimp and other seafood, garlic croutons, prevents sausages. If the party is expected to be thorough-then as the main dish you can serve pork knuckle with potatoes and sauerkraut. In addition, you need to do the table setting and interior decoration. If you spend a holiday in a beer restaurant, then there all this will be done for you, and if elsewhere, you can decorate the hall with balloons in the form of beer mugs or bottles. Tables can be covered with tablecloths and napkins in the Bavarian style-blue and white. In stores there are many accessories in the form of beer mugs or glasses. It can be candles, garlands, posters with beer theme. Style clothing guests should be maximally free. Do not dress up for a beer party in evening dresses or costumes with a butterfly. It is best to come in jeans and some original t-shirt. Well, now let’s move on to the question, what to do during such a holiday? You can think of and find a lot of contests that correspond to the theme of the evening. Arrange, for example, drinking beer at speed. This can be done in many ways: and just from a mug, and through a straw or baby pacifier, and drink beer, pouring it into glasses and making toasts, or try to drink a bottle of beer without the help of hands! Also suitable competitions on accuracy. You can throw rings on beer bottles or try to get a cork in a mug. For table gatherings it is necessary to prepare riddles about the name of the beer (guessed can receive a gift of beer of the corresponding brand) or arrange a competition in the spirit of ” guess the melody “(songs, of course, will be dedicated to your favorite drink). You can also hold a beauty contest among men, where they will measure beer bellies, the winner to declare the king of the party and give him a crown — cap in the form of a mug of beer. This format of the party is suitable for many holidays, so you can celebrate and birthday, and anniversary, and new year, and even (if you have the courage) wedding! Beer party will be a great option for corporate events. But in principle, the reason for the beer expanse is not required, just the desire to have fun and pleasant company!

Don't know what to cook for 2016 Monkey? We will tell you what to cook on new year's eve 2016 Our ideas of what to cook for the New year…


Wedding menu: to make guests leave happy
Wedding planning is a bunch of pleasant worries. One of the most important and first steps to be taken during the preparation — the choice of a restaurant that will…


Don't know what to cook for 2016 Monkey? We will tell you what to cook on new year's eve 2016 Our ideas of what to cook for the New year…
